Monday, September 12, 2011

"Warrior" < "The Fighter"

The movie trailers looked very predictable so I wasn't too interested in seeing this. This was the case until I saw RottenTomatoes' rating was extremely positive. So, I gave the film a shot and I was left pleasantly surprised. Yes, the film is predictable but it acknowledges that and executes the 'predictable' in grand fashion. Gavin O'Connor (director) is known for the inspirational film, "Miracle", and it looks like he wanted to follow suit but this time surrounding the phenomena of Mixed Martial Arts. Every one of the actors involved in this film, especially Tom Hardy and the aging Nick Nolte do a fantastic job. You actually care what happens to everyone in this film. The two brothers fight both in the cage and in their own personal lives. The father to the two brothers, Nolte's character, also fights to redeem himself from the raging alcoholic he was earlier in his life and actually be the father he never truly was to his two sons. This 'investment' that you make with the three main characters puts you at the edge of your seat for the majority of the film.

There were a few things that came across too cheesy. For example, one of the trainers uses the music of Beethoven to train his fighters. The idea of Beethoven to 'train' is way over done (you'll see what I mean). However, my main gripe with the film stems from the actual ending. It doesn't end realistically and leaves some things open. I'm not going to spoil it for any one that wants to see this. The fact that I was this bothered by the ending just goes to show how invested I was in seeing what actually happens at the end.

"The Fighter" is an all around better film but "Warrior" is a lot of fun to watch and would definitely be a fun movie to rent.

Overall Grade: B

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