Monday, September 12, 2011

"Highlander" News that doesn't suck....

After Justin Lin was in discussions to direct the reboot of "Highlander" and after he had to drop due to his other commitments(two new 'Terminator' films), Juan Carlos Fresnadillo is now in discussions to take the directing chair. Fresnadillo directed "28 Weeks Later" which was actually pretty good and the upcoming "The Crow" remake. Though Fresnadillo has yet to truly prove himself as a director, I think there is hope that this reboot can be a fresh take on the always amazing premise of immortals wondering the earth offing each other by decapitation and receiving a Quickening.

Let me get back to Justin Lin. He's the director of the last two "Fast & Furious" films. Lin knows how to direct action but doesn't care about storytelling in the least. He sucks is basically what I'm trying to say. He's in the same family as Michael Bay. There's truly a difference between a movie with just special effects and action and a movie with an actual story where special effects and action serve only to compliment a movie.

This news shouldn't be held onto as talks of a reboot of "Highlander" has been going on for a few years now.

What I am scared about is one of the writers wrote "The Twilight Saga".

Please don't suck!!

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