Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's Official. "Point Break" remake will happen.

Yes. Another one of your favorite films from the nostalgia bucket is getting an unjust remake. I know that some say these remakes ruin the originals and I don't think that's the case. It is not 'that hard' to ignore a remake for whatever reason(because it sucks or doesn't live up to the original). I do, however, think that Hollywood can still be blamed for its unoriginality.

Could this be good? Alcon Entertainment thinks so. I actually like the writer they signed for this -- Kurt Wimmer. Wimmer is known for writing "Salt", "Equilibrium", "Law Abiding Citizen" and the upcoming "Total Recall" remake. As long as Wimmer stays away from directing anything, I'll be happy. I know I mentioned "Equilibrium" because I enjoyed the writing but the direction? Not really. After Wimmer directed "Equilibrium", he followed his directing success with the HUGE hit "Ultraviolet". I'm obviously joking. "Ultraviolet" was a critical and commercial failure (with a RottenTomatoes rating at 9% and just barely making back its budget).

Ok, so if you look at Wimmer's writing record you can tell that he always imputs a 'twist' in all of his films. I'd expect this much with the "Point Break" remake. I hope they don't change too much. Hmmmm....I wonder if Gary Busey can reprise his role?

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