Wednesday, September 7, 2011

DC Comics Relaunch Recap

I'm really trying to get into DC's relaunch and so far I've been impressed. Granted, I'm not reading every new title because I have to balance my other interests and obligations with my day to day busy life. Graduate school can test me from time to time. Anyways,I'll just break down with a short review on the three comics I've read thus far.

Justice League of America #1:
This is not your ordinary JLA read but rather an introduction to characters and the eventual formation of the league. People may complain that the story mostly just involves an overly arrogant Green Lantern and a Batman that once again shows that he knows more than anyone else. The origin story of a troubled high school football student(Cyborg) serves as a subplot. Regular comic book fans will understand what will be the eventual villain as Green Lantern and Batman make head way on a mission that leads them to Superman at the end of the issue. Even though the dialogue may have been just decent, the potentials for this story are EPIC. Line this up with the fantastically detailed artwork and you have a pretty solid first issue.
Overall Grade: A-

Action Comics #1:
This examines a much younger Superman tackling smaller issues than the usual global threats he usually encounters. Not just the costume is new. Even where Superman/Clark Kent works is different (perhaps, just initially). This Superman is more forcibly idealistic and acting as more a leader than a follower of American values. Lex Luthor, yet again, plays a part in Action Comics. It is understandable that an introduction of characters is needed but I hope that in future issues Lex Luthor only has a minor supporting role. Everyone has been there and done that. Is it to appease new readers? Perhaps. I just hope Superman goes through a self discovery of how to actually be Superman. The first issue is kind of like the first episode of "Seinfeld". All of the characters are there but it isn't EPIC funny until they understand what works and what doesn't. It is crucial what comes next in Action Comics. A platform is set. This could be typical or legendary as the story arc comes to a close.
Overall Grade: B

Detective Comics #1:
I was more impressed with this than Action Comics and I'm a bona fide Superman fan! The artwork shines as Batman comes into contact with the Joker again but not is all as it seems. Great storytelling surround this comic and leaves you wanting more once the last page is read. I don't wanna spoil too much.
Overall Grade: A-

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