Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Paper or Plastic ? You son of a B*tch!!!

The title is random....don't worry....let your eyes venture further.

So, while dealing with the long wait from what will surely be awesome - "Tron: Legacy"....I've been trying to catch up with other must see films. Amongst them I wanted to bring up the documentary, "The Most Dangerous Man in the World". Not to be confused with "The Most 'Interesting' Man in the World" -- the Dos Equis guy, this film, however, stands as a remarkable, intriguing, heartbreaking, and extremely emotive piece of cinema. So far, this is my favorite documentary ever. Yes, that even beats out "The Cove" and "Earthlings".

Even though I've been watching way more documentaries than usual and will continue to do so, this one will be very hard to top. You see, it follows a man and his journey for what he believes is right given his brilliance. He ends up being completely wrong and tries to right that wrong by becoming an activist against his own government and the Vietnam War. This man, Daniel Ellsberg, worked for the Pentagon and eventually decided to expose a TON of secrets(Pentagon Papers) about the war in Vietnam. This film is thought provoking for sure but what really captivated me was the honesty and passion of Ellsberg and those who were like him or helped him expose the government and its evil doings.

New Band & Funny 60 second clip. Enjoy! Sorry I've been away for soo long....

Check this band(Cut Copy) immediately. They are a cross between Daft Punk, Duran Duran, and MGMT. Also, feel free to thank me... :)
Click Here for a dose of awesome!

I found online a 60 second parody of Top Gun.... It's pretty great...It was entered and won in a contest that had everyone completing a movie parody in 60 seconds. Don't be glib!

Also, the picture below may be funny but honestly, Scientology is no crazier than any other religion or belief system. They all lack proof and have allegories that can be interpreted various ways.

Anyways, I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! I'll be back soon with another update...

Hypothetical Fight:
Shaq vs. Robocop

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