Monday, September 20, 2010

Earthlings, The Cove, & Man on Wire

I'm sorry that it has been forever since my last post.... I've been extremely busy with grad school that I couldn't find the time....

That being said, I just wanted to share my love for these current documentaries that I've seen recently. (Earthlings is the only film not on Instant Viewing on Netflix but it is online to view for free here).


This film started out pretty sketchy and kept getting better and better. It deals with what the film coins, "speciesism," which is the assigning of different values or rights to beings on the basis of their species membership. It was hard to keep my eyes open after watching all the terribly cruel things humans do to animals and has me seriously reconsidering a change in my diet. If you want to wake up then watch this film.

The Cove

The most engaging of the three I review is this film. Eye-opening, provocative, funny at times, scary at others, and thoroughly enthralling. The cove is a place referenced in a city in Japan that is known to slaughter up to 23,000 dolphins per year. A team is made to expose this cove but not without meeting much resistance. Truly engaging and exciting and heartbreaking. A must see.

Man on Wire

This very different documentary follows Philippe Petit, a high wire walker, who dares to accomplish his dream: to high wire walk the twin towers. Filled with interesting back stories, interviews and footage this remains one of the most endearing and inspiring documentaries that came out in 2008.

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