Coming with 6.5 or 7 % alc. by volume, this is sure to kick your a$. Full of wonderful tasting hops, this IPA isn't one to be passed up if you're a hoppy beer drinker.
Movie Reviews

"The Kids Are All Right"
This indie film has been given much attention and rightfully so. It's the story of how 2 kids that were born by means of artificial insemination that contact their sperm donor, played wonderfully by Mark Ruffalo. The kids' parents are lesbians(Julianne Moore & Annette Bening) which give this film another dynamic to examine. We are used to hokey, campy family films and this is a really modern, sometimes in your face, take on family life and perspectives that stem from the unusual, unexamined, alternative family lifestyle. Brilliant performances all around. The story is almost air tight with smart and witty direction and screenwriting. (3.9 out of 5 stars)

"Dinner for Schmucks"
Ever since reading the early reviews for this film, I wasn't even planning on seeing this film but was dragged to it anyway. The beginning of the film laid promise and although there were a couple funny scenes, the film fell apart by regurgitated jokes and jokes that simply fell flat. This film by no means makes me dislike Carell or Rudd. Actually, I really enjoy there work for the most part. (1.5 out of 5 stars)
Everyone has got to bomb, right? Steven Spielberg did it, twice. See "1941", "The Terminal". The only directors that I can think of that didn't are Darren Aronofsky and Christopher Nolan. Yeah, I got a little side tracked there... I was talking about actors....Let's see....You know, I can't think of an actor that hasn't been in at least one bomb. Can you???
Just recently I've come across a brilliant band - Civil Twilight. What a cool name for a band if you manage to erase the "Twilight Saga" films from existence which seems to have been shoved down everyone's throats (Haha. That's a double entendre). See below and enjoy.
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