Monday, July 12, 2010

Mr. Almond is Mr. Pistachio's Arch Nemesis

You are probably thinking "That is the strangest title....ever". I was thinking there should be a movie where all different types of nuts live on their own planet and war with each other. Can you imagine Mr. Peanut fighting ? Strangely enough I can only see Mr. Peanut with a cane and hat. He's such a pimp....

Anyway, it's been awhile since I've updated my blog and I apologize if I'm extremely random but I'm just in one of those moods.

Movie Review: "The Believer" (2001) - starring Ryan Gosling

This film was truly brilliant. It follows an anti-Semite right wing extremist who has much difficulty dealing with his upbringing as a Jew himself. I seriously cannot praise Ryan Gosling enough in this film. He was perfect. His character is extremely conflicted and confused. It's like watching a storm that eventually dissipates as there is a much needed transformation. The film was more intellectual than "American History X" but not as emotive. If you are the type of film goer that goes to just escape, then I don't recommend this film.

Awesome, ridiculous scene from "Total Recall " :

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