Say what you will about the film, "Highlander", but you cannot deny it's original premise. If you are not pop culturally aware I'll be happy to explain. A select group of people are inadvertently chosen to be immortals who must fight until the 'gathering' where there are only a few immortals left and be the only one left to claim 'the prize'. 'The Prize' is something you'll have to see the film for. Sean Connery co-stars along with Christopher Lambert and Clancy Brown. Anyone that knows me understands that this post is a must on my blog. I'm semi-obsessed with this film and completely disregard the sequels and campy TV show. The film is powerful to me in that it makes you ask yourself what would you do with all the time in the world? Would you squander it? What would one do with immortality and especially with 'the prize'. If this doesn't draw you in then the Queen Soundtrack should.
Not sure why I haven't heard this song before but I love it. It's Kanye West's "Robocop". Yes, I found this song by searching at youtube for Robocop stuff and this came up. It's a real cool beat. Moreover, if you follow movie music you can tell he uses Patrick Doyle's theme song from one of my favorite films, "Great Expectations". "Great Expectations" was released around the same time "Titantic" came out and, sadly, no one has really seen the amazing film.
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