Monday, July 11, 2011

Most Anticipated Films of 2012

Most of you know that the next Batman is in production and a teaser trailer is scheduled to run in front of the last Harry Potter film. Besides the next Bats film(Summer 2012) and the Supes reboot(December 2012), I'm looking forward to the following films:

John Carter (formerly titled John Carter of Mars)
This film is being directed by Andrew Stanton("Wall-E","Finding Nemo", and writer of all the "Toy Story" films). This is his first live action film and I couldn't be more excited. Some of the screen shots, which can be seen via look breathtaking. Hollywood has been trying to make "John Carter of Mars" a feature film since the 1930s. The technology hasn't been possible until recently. This will also probably catapult the film's protagonist into stardom - Taylor Kitsch(Gambit from "Wolverine: Origins").

Synopsis of film from
Based on the classic science fiction tales of Edgar Rice Burroughs (best known as the creator of "Tarzan"), John Carter celebrates his 100th anniversary next year, appropriately timed against the film's March 9, 2012 release. Featured in eleven serialized tales, beginning with "A Princess of Mars," Burroughs' "Gentleman of Virginia" is a former Confederate soldier who, in the aftermath of the Civil War, finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars (or, natively, "Barsoom") and who is forced to fight for his place among the planet's diverse alien species.

Bond 23
This is being directed by Sam Mendes ("American Beauty", "Road to Perdition"). After the semi setback of "Quantum of Solace", this film looks much more promising. Also, it appears that Ralph Fiennes and Javier Bardem will likely be involved as villains in this film. So, needless to say Daniel Craig's Bond will have his hands full.

Star Trek 2
Abrams. Star Trek = enough said.

The Amazing Spider-Man
I'm actually really interested to see what how this film turns out. I like all of the cast already and I really enjoyed the director's last film, "500 Days of Summer". Marc Webb has a very unique style that I believe will translate really well to the universe of Spider-Man.

Bourne Legacy
Jeremy Renner is locked to star in a spin off of the Bourne series which is supposed to tie in with Jason Bourne somehow? The director, Tony Gilroy, seems to be a great choice. I enjoyed "Michael Clayton" and especially the feel of it.

2012 is shaping up to be one hell of a movie year and I only listed 'my' most anticipated films. These along with Superman and Batman!!! As long as I see these films before the world ends, I'd die a happy man.


  1. I'm also really looking forward to the next Batman, but I'm super-excited about the next Superman. He's always been my fave superhero. Star Trek 2 will be cool, I'm sure! Loved the first one.
