Friday, July 29, 2011

The Anti-Proverbial Descent of "Cowboys & Aliens"

It’s been a few days since I last posted and I just wanted to say that I'm not sorry. I had writer’s block. Perfect excuse. Anyway, I’m using this post in particular to talk about my excitement in seeing “Cowboys & Aliens” tonight. Much of the reviews that are coming out of the wood work seem so divisive. This shouldn't be a surprise though. Think about it. Some will expect a western, some a sci-fi. I believe this film will be an extremely fun film but not a classic. What I mean by that is the term ‘classic’ is defined as memorable but these are within the confines of a particular genre. Since “Cowboys & Aliens” is a mashup of two genres, it will be hard to tell how much of a mark it will leave in cinema history. In preparation for tonight, I’m going to go with as open as mind as possible. I can’t ‘expect’ anything. Now that I think about it, I believe the marketing behind the film must have been difficult. How do you effectively sell two genres, especially when they are mashed together? I mean, the title itself is ridiculous. What the marketing is relying on is the talent involved in this film. There are a lot of ominous shots and then we see Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and the ‘director of Iron Man’ come up and marketing execs are hoping all will just nod their heads and see the film. For me, the film had me at ‘cowboys and aliens’. I think a mash up will be a lot of fun. It’ll be interesting to see what Jon Favreau (director) has in store for us. Also, Olivia Wilde is extremely great looking and another great reason to see the film. A thorough review should be up soon.

1 comment:

  1. When I roll into the Wild Wild West
    When I stroll into the Wild Wild West
    When I bounce into the Wild Wild West
