Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Super 8" Oh I can't wait!

I'm so clever with titles. Who else can rhyme with such skill? Anyways, I bet you were in the theater when you saw the teaser trailer for this film. All you see is a railway sign closing and a train smashing through it. Ominuous, ambient tones ensue and then it flashes, "Steven Spielberg Presents a film by J.J. Abrams". Everyone was excited in the theater including myself even thought it's only a 20 second clip. Much mystery surrounds and continues to surround this film. We eventually come to the understanding(through further exposure in other movie trailers) that it's some sort of alien movie along the lines of "E.T." I absolutely loved "E.T." and you can tell what the director is going for. I mean, who doesn't like "E.T."? In case you aren't geeky enough J.J. Abrams directed the brilliant "Star Trek"(2009), "Mission Impossible 3", "Lost" TV series, etc. After I see "X-Men: First Class", which is supposed to be outstanding according to the reviews, I'm going to see "Super 8". In all honesty, this new "X-Men: First Class" looks like sh*t but who'd have thought that a movie with a terrible marketing strategy would be such a great film? I'll put out a review after I see it on Saturday.......Oh, what a busy summer.....

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