Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Superhero Films - Summer 2011

Are you just as excited as me for this summer's Superhero films?

I saw "Thor" twice and it is simply a joy. Kenneth Branagh's direction in the film is simply one of the best. Chris Hemsworth is perfect for Thor. He's full of charisma and you really root for him in the film. The romance took more of a backseat which is a good thing. There are slight problems: Why does Thor want to save human kind and work with SHIELD? These questions were left open and things were supposed to be assumed by audiences. Rating: 4.25 out of 5. I should note that this is the same rating I'd give "Iron Man".

"X:Men: First Class" - Let's see. I'm hopeful. That poster is god awful isn't it? Yeah, the marketing for this film sucks balls. On another note, I actually really appreciate the director. He's made the interesting films, "Stardust" and "Kickass". Let's not forget about the awesome film, "Layer Cake". I don't have much to say because let's be honest there's been too much related X-Men movies that have come out that I mostly know what to expect. Hopefully, Matthew Vaughn, the director, can surprise us. I'll still go to the theater just don't expect me to be too excited.

"Captain America" is pegged to do some damage at the box office simply because of the whole Osama Bin Laden killing. This pisses me off. First off the director is talentless and his track record is not worth forgiving. Please see Joe Johnston's track record here. "Jumanji" and maybe "The Rocketeer" were decent to good flicks but this was forever ago. After "The Wolfman" remake which doesn't even touch the original and "Jurassic Park 3", you'd think studios would be hesitant. The only good thing about this film is Chris Evans. Will I see the film? Yes. Am I likely to hate it? Yes.

In probably the most anticipated superhero film this summer that keeps garnering interest from non fans due to the continued improvements in movie trailers is "Green Lantern". Ryan Reynolds seems like a good fit and they have a pretty solid director, Martin Campbell. With a stellar cast, good direction and rich storytelling within the Green Lantern universe, I'm sure this will please many. I'm still hesitant about 3D though. Though, there's this story I read today about how AMC theaters is screwing people. I'll have to boycott AMC and would understand if you wanted to join me.

"Cowboys & Aliens" looks amazing. People were taken aback and didn't know what to think of it. Some were easy to bash it because it is so different and original. You have western meets Sci/Fi . This brings two big genre fans together. Plus, early reviews of the first 30 minutes of footage that screened at one of the Comic Cons were very positive. Daniel Craig was praised and especially Harrison Ford. Yes, that's right Harrison Ford seems to have woken up and actually acted in a movie. How long has it been?

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