You think I'm being overly harsh, don't you?
The Adventures of Pluto Nash(2002) cost $120 million to make. Theater Gross: 7.1 million. That's about a $112 million loss.
He has made about 18 films since Nutty Professor: The Klumps(2000). Besides voice work on the Shrek films(which is a supporting role) and a good role in "DreamGirls", he hasn't been successful. Well, you know "Norbit" went to number 1 it's first weekend but was slammed by critics and was o

Other than being critically panned for most all of his roles recently, he made an announcement that he's interested in doing another(take a deep breath) "Nutty Professor". Even going as far as stating, "We kind of wrote something that might be kind of funny. If the studios want to do it, we'll do it." That just reeks of confidence doesn't it? I thought that Jack Black's fake trailer(The Fatties) in the film "Tropic Thunder" was a good hint that playing multiple roles where everyone is the same, doesn't cut it.

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