Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Little Self Rehabilitation -- Vampire Weekend

I would have never thought I'd get into Vampire Weekend. The band sounded 'too different' from what I'm used to and I turned away from it. Actually, after listening to the band in small pieces, I've come to really enjoy them. Probably at the same level as Arcade Fire. I know Arcade Fire may be a little similar to Vampire Weekend but hear me out. I actually first listened to a lot of Discovery, which was part done by a member of Vampire Weekend. This brought me ever closer to giving Vampire Weekend another shot.

You see, this is more than just discovering new music but it is also a testament to how we all are about our predisposed opinions. We have such an aversion to the different or strange. This goes beyond music. Whether it be our political or religous beliefs, one truly understands when he entertains himself with a completely open mind.

Vampire Weekend will not just be known as a band I pre-snubbed but will stand as a symbol to me that one needs to be open to everything in this world. I believe I've come out of this a better person. A little self-reflection brings way to rehabilitation. How strange do I sound? Here's to looking beyond.

For a sample of Vampire Weekend, click here.

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