Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Total Recall of "Total Recall"

An Examination into a truly great work of film....

Ever wonder what happened to the actors that played in “Total Recall”? I mean, it’s one of Schwarzenegger’s biggest films and definitely a gem in any sci-fi fanatics’ library so I thought I needed to inform people.

Arnold Schwarzenegger – Can you believe I initially misspelled (and continue to) his last name? What’s weird is that auto correct, well, corrected me. Anywho, there’s no use in me explaining what Arnie has been up to lately unless you live underneath a rock. Some, however, may not know that he is starting his first film post Governatorship entitled “The Last Stand” in which shooting begins in September. The question is will people see the film? I say a large group of people will be interested in whether Arnie still has it or not. And let me tell you, when he was acting (or trying to), he was the biggest action star. I hope the best for the guy. I mean, what he does in his personal life is none of my business nor should it be a factor when seeing his films. If his films are terrible then I’ll stop watching them. Get me? Got me? Good.

Sharon Stone – Ah yes. It was her and Demi Moore(back in the 1990s). I could never decide. Well, maybe I attributed them to seasons. This pic is when she was doing Wii Tennis in the film. Anyways, know that in “Total Recall” Sharon Stone was 2 years away from her famous “Basic Instinct” role. Even though she starred in some cheesy fluff like “Policy Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol” and “Action Jackson” she was eventually well seen in Scorsese’s “Casino” and the action/drama “The Specialist”. Towards the late 1990s she fell to TV show guest work and made a couple notable highlights more recently with “Bobby”, “Broken Flowers”, “Alpha Dog” and the terrible films of “Catwoman” and “Basic Instinct 2”, in which she reprises the role which made her famous even though she was 48 years old at the time! Her upcoming films look very interesting though. One is about the Branch Davidian Cult in Waco, Texas properly called, “Waco” and the other entitled, “Gods Behaving Badly”. Both films have a stellar cast. For an IMDB listing of Sharon Stone, click here.

“Give des people da air, Cohaagen!” – Douglas Quaid from “Total Recall”

Ronny Cox – Playing Vilos Cohaagen seemed to be very natural for this actor especially after playing one of the villains in 1987s “Robocop”. Both “Robocop” and “Total Recall” were directed by Paul Verhoven. I think it’s safe to say that the director was all like, “Hey, Ronny. Can you play the ‘exact’ same character as before”? Ronny’s career has been heavily in TV series since “Total Recall” with a few movies – one of them playing a U.S. president in “Murder at 1600”.

Michael Ironside – Ah yeah. I’ll take me some Ironside in any movie. The guy is awesome. He is usually always playing the bad guy, he is a staple in many Hollywood features that include:
Terminator Salvation – General Ashdown
The Machinist – Miller
Starship Troopers – Jean Rasczak
Superman Animated Series – Voice of Darkseid
Justice League – Voice of Darkseid
Top Gun – Jester
Highlander II – General Katana
The Next Karate Kid – Col. Dugan
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The guy’s a movie whore. He’s been in tons of films, TV shows, TV movies, and video games.

“If I am not me, then who the hell am I?” – Douglas Quaid from “Total Recall”

Rachel Ticotin – This is probably one of her most noteworthy roles. She plays Selina, Arnie’s true love interest – Martian version. He can do better right? Have you seen the lady he cheated on his wife with? Rachel has been in some prominent films and yes, again in lots of TV shows. Some of her side roles were in:
Falling Down
Con Air
Something’s Gotta Give
Man on Fire
Law & Order: LA

Marshall Bell – You remember the guy with the baby attached to his stomach where the man like baby tells a story? Like, he keeps saying, “Quaid…….Quaid…..remember…..remember”. Remember now? How could you possibly forget? Well the actor was actually in another Arnie comedy film called “Twins”. Tons of TV shows and supporting roles have outlined this guy’s career. His next is the high profile film, “The Rum Diary” starring Johnny Depp, Aaron Eckhart, Amber Heard, and Richard Jenkins.

“Now, this is the plan. Get your ass to Mars.” – Houser from “Total Recall”

Lycia Naff – Doesn’t sound familiar to you? Well, I don’t blame you. She was the girl at the bar with the 3 Ta Tas. Actually, after reviewing her on IMDB, she actually guest starred on a lot of prominent TV shows like:
Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Jeffersons
The Flash

She was last seen in “The Ghost Whisperer” and is actually more attractive than I remember.

Let's hope the remake, which is much more strictly based on Philip K. Dick's book, is just as groundbreaking as this 1990 film. For more on the remake and the great cast, click here.