Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tom Cruise is still the Coolest Actor!!!

Say what you want about the guy but his presence in film and at the Box Office are undeniable. People 'should' judge him by his acting alone and not his personal life. Case in point: it is totally acceptable to like Michael Jackson's music but to like and agree with Michael Jackson's actions outside of the music industry is another thing. I believe if people have such a problem with Tom Cruise, they should take the same route. It's perfectly understandable and practical to embrace in such an approach. Do I have a man crush on Tom Cruise? No....but it's close to one. And while Tom Cruise's career has been on the skits for a couple years, I believe he is going to come back with the list of movies he's currently shooting and planning on shooting. He's got "Mission Impossible IV: Ghost Protocol", "Rock of Ages", and the recently announced "Oblivion". Let's first touch upon MI:4. It's Brad Bird's (The Incredibles) first live action film and it will do very well. The cast looks solid and includes the awesomeness of Jeremy Renner (Hurt Locker, The Town). "Rock of Ages" has an amazingly crazy awesome cast and is based on the successful Broadway musical. "Oblivion" will be directed by Joseph Kosinski (Tron:Legacy) and written by the great William Monahan(The Departed, Body of Lies). Plus the art released to promote the movie is amazing(pictured below).

Tom Cruise is a huge part of film and I believe he will continue to be in the years to come. Can you believe the guy is almost 50?! Anyways, for the filmography of Tom Cruise, click here.

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