Friday, May 20, 2011

There Can Be Only One ....Christopher Lambert.

The amazing "Highlander" film will always be in moviegoers hearts but what about Christopher Lambert? He went on to play the same character in 4 other Highlander films and starred in other hits(sarcasm intended) such as "Hunted", "Fortress" I and II, and "Mortal Kombat". A strange career indeed and yes, quite laughable. He was Raiden though. He was quite good in that...remember?

I've recently developed a drinking game to whomever wants to have a Christopher Lambert Movie Marathon because I know there's a lot of you out there that do.

- Whenever he laughs - 2 drinks

- When he is stabbed - 3 drinks

- Flashbacks - 4 drinks

- Whenever he is surrounded by lightning or electricity - 8 drinks (this also includes Mortal Kombat)

- Whenever he goes through a quickening during the time of the gathering - 18 drinks

You see, by the time you are finished with the game the number of drinks you would have taken would equal the actual age of Christopher Lambert's character in "Highlander". It's like 478 drinks...I know I'm close.

For those that are wondering where Christopher Lambert's career sits now, just click here. If not, just rest assured that he will be gracing movie screens again in "Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance" starring Nicolas Cage.

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