Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Superman Reboot Casting Rumors

Rumors have been rampant, but unconfirmed by director Zack Snyder and company of potentially very prominent actors to appear in the reboot of Superman. About a week ago it was reported that Kevin Costner may be involved as Jonathan Kent (Superman's earth Dad) and now reports have come forth suggesting that no other than Daniel "I become whoever I play" Day Lewis is in talks to play a role as potentially the villain, General Zod. This along with reports of Viggo Mortensen in a role says Warner Bros. is really trying to do this film justice to make up for the "turd that shall not be named" film that was released in 2006. I really like the talent involved but General Zod? Again? What about ultimate baddie, Darkseid? Imagine Superman up against his Omega Beam. Ok, ok...I'm geeking out a little.... I just really want this film to do well for my own health. Honestly, when the "turd that shall not be named" was released in 2006 I was, at that point, waiting for 19 years for a Superman film to come out. I was so damn excited during the opening credits that I had an asthma attack. Yeah, my excitement actually gave me an asthma attack. For one, I never really get asthma attacks and two, never out of pure excitement. What followed after the film's viewing was depression for 6 months. I was embarrassed to call myself a Superman fan. The "turd that shall not be named" literally solidified Superman's irrelevance and unrelate-ability to everyone. Flash forward around six months ago, and it was learned that Christopher Nolan was producing a reboot of Superman and got none other than Zack Snyder(300, Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead) to come aboard as director. This along with the great casting of Henry Cavill as Superman has got me excited. I truly hope Superman can become relevant again. I would love a modernized, refreshing take on Superman. Hopefully, once I view this reboot it'll be sans asthma attack.

Awesome General Zod song....for true geeks. Enjoy:

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