Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Man Crushes & Liquid Mountaineering

Yes, I have a Man Crush alright? This doesn't mean that I swing that way. It's more of a huge admiration for someone. Trust me, everyone has a man crush whether they are willing to admit it or not. My man crush just happens to be Jude Law. Why you ask? It's because he's talented and good looking and I enjoy most of his films. Plus, women LOVE him. Also, just recently I called my Dad out on his Man Crush. He would always talk about Vin Diesel and how awesome he is and how his friends that know him think highly of him. I brought forth my opinion and said, "Dad, I think you have a Man Crush". He was slightly offended at first as he grew up in a completely different era where if you talk about liking the same sex in any capacity, you would be beheaded. Well, not really....but it was considered a bad thing and you were labeled a homosexual. I've always joked that I'm going to get him a cardboard cut out of Vin Diesel in the"XXX" film..... We laugh about it a lot now. If you're a guy, have you ever wondered who your man crush is?

The reason I'm leaving out women is because it is usually permitted for them to have a woman crush, if not highly approved.

Fright Night Classic Again? I've been following this recent development that they are going to remake this film with Anton Yelchin, Colin Farell and Toni Collette. Why oh why does Hollywood need to remake this? Especially with a director that did "Mr. Woodcock"? Stop with the remakes and be original for once. "Fright Night" is one of my favorite films from the 1980s. It was mildly scary, cheesy, and hilarious. Just remember when you see previews for this film that Hollywood is only trying to bank on the Vampire Craze.

Last but not least I wanted to bring up Liquid Mountaineering. Yes, you read that right. I saw the video for this about a week ago and it's quite possibly the coolest thing I've seen in awhile. Heck, I might take it up as a hobby soon. Just don't laugh when you see me trying to do it. Check it out below & enjoy:

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